Reykjavik Roasters
· Reykjavik, Iceland ·
First Impressions
If you're lucky enough to get some time in Iceland, don't miss Reykjavik. When I was traveled there, I felt radiating waves of peer pressure pushing me out of the capital and onto the road. Don't get me wrong: the ring road is a magical journey, with tiny towns and little hamlets, full of character, appearing just when you think you're the only person this far from civilization; Iceland's beauty is found in all the little otherworldly moments that couldn't ever happen anywhere else. But rushing out of Reykjavik really would be a mistake. Despite being a small city, it's bursting at the seems with culture, and the coffee, food, art, and design scenes are genuinely amazing. People here somehow fuse tradition and innovation in a balanced and beautiful way.
Reykjavik Roasters is a prime example of this. Ask anyone: they make world class coffee. You step into the shop and feel like you've walked into someone's living room; it's so low-key and unassuming. The roastery is right in the middle of the room and you'll probably get a chance to chat with Torfi as he works on the days' roasts. In 2015, they opened a second location "all the way across town" (a maybe eight minute walk away), that feels open and modern, a bit more industrial, but still accessible. Their coffee is Scandinavian in its profile, but still uniquely Icelandic. They have raised an already high bar in the city and managed to do so in the most relaxed homey way.
Photos owned and copyrighted by Reykjavik Roasters and verkur, and then she, newfoundpress, and Fresh Cup Magazine.